30 Ex Prefix

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30.1 EBGS as ex-

EBGS is the prefix stroke of ex- in words such as excel and extras.


excel excel excel excel


extras extras extras extras

30.2 ERBGS as extra-

The prefix extra- is written with ERBGS. As it is a prefix stroke, it will work even with nonsense words such as extrablue and extrashoe.


extrablue extrablue extrablue extrablue


extrashoe extrashoe extrashoe extrashoe

30.3 KP as ex-

For many common words beginning with ex-, KP can be used represent ex- in the outline. Examples of this include exam, exalt, and exit.


exam exam exam exam


exalt exalt exalt exalt


exit exit exit exit

30.4 The word extra

The word extra can be strokeed both phonetically as EBGS TRA or as a brief KPRA



30.5 SP- as exp-

SP- is used to represent briefs for common words beginning in exp-. Examples include expense, explain and explore.


expense expense expense expense


explain explain explain explain


explore explore explore explore

30.6 Briefs

except example examination exception explanation explosion

30.7 Similar brief pairs

except vs expect

capital vs captain

farther vs further

happen vs happy

family vs female

gentlemen vs gentleman

business vs biz

office vs officer

solid vs sold

30.8 Common Words

30.9 Exercises

  1. The store sent the books by express. The store sent the books by express. The store sent the books by express.
  2. Extra, beyond what is usual, expected, or need. Extra, beyond what is usual, expected, or need. Extra, beyond what is usual, expected, or need.
  3. A minister learns to express his thoughts. A minister learns to express his thoughts. A minister learns to express his thoughts.
  4. Excuse, a reason given for doing or not doing something. To set free from doing or not doing something. Excuse, a reason given for doing or not doing something. To set free from doing or not doing something. Excuse, a reason given for doing or not doing something. To set free from doing or not doing something.
  5. You can deal the cards. You can deal the cards. You can deal the cards.
  6. Dearest, much loved. Most expensive. Dearest, much loved. Most expensive. Dearest, much loved. Most expensive.
  7. Explore, to travel over little-known lands or seas. Explore, to travel over little-known lands or seas. Explore, to travel over little-known lands or seas.
  8. Explain, to make plain; to tell the meaning of; to tell how to do something. Explain, to make plain; to tell the meaning of; to tell how to do something. Explain, to make plain; to tell the meaning of; to tell how to do something.
  9. Baseball is good exercise. Baseball is good exercise. Baseball is good exercise.
  10. One of the players is captain. One of the players is captain. One of the players is captain.
  11. The captain gives orders. The captain gives orders. The captain gives orders.
  12. The players obey their captain. The players obey their captain. The players obey their captain.
  13. Your father and mother are your parents. Your father and mother are your parents. Your father and mother are your parents.
  14. When you pass the school, look for your teacher. When you pass the school, look for your teacher. When you pass the school, look for your teacher.
  15. I just saw my teacher go past the house. I just saw my teacher go past the house. I just saw my teacher go past the house.
  16. Who discovered the North Pole? Who discovered the North Pole? Who discovered the North Pole?
  17. We need a few extra copies of the school paper. We need a few extra copies of the school paper. We need a few extra copies of the school paper.
  18. Conducted, managed, led, behaved. Conducted, managed, led, behaved. Conducted, managed, led, behaved.
  19. Our teacher conducted the assembly. Our teacher conducted the assembly. Our teacher conducted the assembly.
  20. The farm still produces abundant food. The farm still produces abundant food. The farm still produces abundant food.
  21. The alarm awakened me at seven. The alarm awakened me at seven. The alarm awakened me at seven.

30.9.1 Write random sentences

A random subset of sentences will be synthesized. Be patient with the synthesis. It will take a few seconds, especially the first time. The loweest possible WPM is 80, so to decrease overall WPM, increase word gap.

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