4 Writing one-syllable words

In Plover, one-stroke words are usually composed of an initial consonant (left side of board), a vowel sound, and an ending consonant (right side of board). Keys generally represent the sounds of their letters (T- for t, and so on, with exceptions like J- for a soft g sound.) In Plover, short vowels are written using the key for their letter (“written like it is spelled”). Long vowels are represented by chord combinations covered later. The right hand keys cover common ending consonants and word endings with chord combinations are used to represent sounds which are missing from the 10 keys on the right.

4.1 Learning Objectives

  • Learn keys on right side of board
  • Learn common briefs on right side of board
  • Learn to write simple one-syllable words
  • Learn how -ss ending words can be written with -S and -Z.

4.2 Steno Order

The steno keys are always order in particular from left to right, top to bottom, as


with the number bar first, represented by the number sign.

All stroke will follow this order. Consequently, a chord WAS would write was and not saw.

4.3 Ending consonants


The -F key represents the f sound such as huff.


huff huff huff huff

The brief for of is represented by -F.


of of of of


The -R key represents the r sound such as in tar.


tar tar tar tar

This second R key, just like the left hand R- key, also represents the brief are.


are are are are


The -P key represents the p sound such as in top.


top top top top


The -B key represents the b sound such as in sob.


sob sob sob sob

The brief for be is represented by the -B key.


be be be be


The -L key represents the l sound such as in twill.


twill twill twill twill
If consonants occur together, and do not violate steno order, they 
can be stroked together such as in "twill". 

Most examples have been with simple words (consonant-vowel-consonant) which do not demonstrate one principle of steno, in which silent vowels are dropped and consonants are “put together” in one stroke as long as they do not violate steno order.

The word twill has the stroke TWIL. T- and W- do not violate steno order as T- comes before W-. The stenotype layout (and the steno order) has been designed so that common word beginnings and endings, such as SH- for sharp, can be written easily.

Sharp is therefore written as:


sharp sharp sharp sharp

The main Plover dictionary contains strokes for sh, ch and th, as SH*, KH* and TH* respectively. They can be used together with the other fingerspelling letters. For example, if one wanted to spell thrash, they can write:

TH* R* A* SH*

which will save on two strokes.


The -G key represents the g sound such as in dog.


dog dog dog dog

The -G key also can be used for the word ending ing such as in being.


being being being being

The -G key can be used to append ing to any word in a separate stroke. For example, sobbing as SOB/-G.


sobbing sobbing sobbing sobbing
Plover will automatically adjust for proper spelling in 
almost all cases. For example, "sobbing" rather than "sobing".


The -T key represents the t sound, such as in bat.


bat bat bat bat

The brief for the is represented by the key -T.


the the the the


The -S key represents the s sound, such as in us.


us us us us

Just like how the -G key adds the ing word ending, the -S key adds the plural word ending s to the previous word such as in bats.


bats bats bats bats


The -D key represents the d sound, such as in word.


word word word word

The -D key is also used to add the ed word ending, such as in batted. (BAT/-D)


batted batted batted batted

When a word requires two strokes to write, it is called a “multi-stroke” word. Bats and sobbing from above would be considered multi-stroke. Steno theory provides for the common word suffixes s/es and ed with the rule that a stroke with -S or -D will be the plural or -ed form of the word unless there is a conflict with another word. For example, bats can also be written with:


and batted as:


In some theories, these inflected endings should always be their own separate stroke stroke, rather than “folded in.” However, Plover will try to fold in the stroke whenever possible. Take batted for example. In reality, Plover’s dictionary does not have an entry for batted, just bat. The resulting stroke PWATD will appear to have no translation. Plover will then try to analyze the stroke to find a word and an inflected ending, in this case bat and the ending ed, and then outputs batted, the desired word. Another example would be huffing as HUFG. Huffing is not in the dictionary, but huff is, and Plover will use the input to output the desired huffing.


It has to be noted here that whether suffixes like “-ing” or “-s” can be made part of a stroke depends on the stroke with -G or -S is the stroke for another word. Take the stroke KOG. Based on the logic above, as KO is the brief for could, KOG could produce coulding. But KOG in the dictionary is set to translate as cog and so cog is written, not coulding.


The -Z key represents the z sound, such as in buzz.


buzz buzz buzz buzz

The -Z key functions exactly like the -S key in adding the s plural word ending.


words words words words

4.3.1 The -ss, as -S and -Z

When words end in a double s such as kiss and lass, Plover will usually have both the stroke with a single -S or with both -S and -Z. Kiss can therefore be written with KEUS and KEUSZ. However, there are exceptions when only the -SZ variant exists, such as buss with PWUSZ (with PWUS for bus) and puss with PUSZ and P*US (PUS is for pus) or only the -S variant exists (such as tress and press). For class, which only has the -S stroke (KLAS), the lack of the -Z is useful because classes can then be written as KLASZ.

4.4 Briefs

The briefs in the table below use keys on both hands. Some of them are common words. Others are words with easy to remember briefs, but the concepts in writing them out fully are not covered until much later in theory, or are great “bang-for-the-buck” in how many keys are pressed versus the length of the word.

Brief Stroke Note
advertise TEUZ adverTIZe
balance PWAL BALance
center STR SenTeR
certificate SER SERtificate
circle SKHR SirKLe
comfort K-FRT KomFoRT
company K-P KomPany
confer K-FR KonFeR
confidence K-F KonFidence
confident K-FT KonFidenT
degree TKEG DEGree
depend TK-P DePend
district TKR-T DistRicT
doctor TKR DoctoR
economy KPHEU eKonoMI
figure TPEUG FIGure
finance TP-PBS FiNanSe
idea KWR-D IDea
interest T-R inTeRest
magazine PHAG MAGazine
mister PHR MisteR
multiple PH-PL MultiPLe
no big deal TPH-BD NBD
order ORD ORDer
organize ORG ORGanize
president PREZ PREZident
progress PROG PROGress
purchaser PUR PURchaser
ready R-D ReaDy
really R-L ReaLly
recognize REZ REcogniZe
regular REG REGular
schedule SKED SKeDule
sudden SUD SUDden
significant SEUG SIGnificant
tablespoon T-BS
transport TR-PT TRansPorT
transfer TR-FR TRansFeR
unless TPH-LS “n”-l(es)s
until TPH-L “n”-l

4.5 Exercises

4.5.1 Write

  1. do do do go go go lo lo lo no no no so so so to to to
  2. by by by me me me
  3. at at at bat bat bat cat cat cat fat fat fat hat hat hat
  4. mat mat mat pat pat pat rat rat rat sat sat sat vat vat vat
  5. brat brat brat chat chat chat flat flat flat prat prat prat scat scat scat
  6. slat slat slat spat spat spat swat swat swat
  7. cap cap cap dap dap dap fap fap fap gap gap gap lap lap lap
  8. map map map nap nap nap pap pap pap rap rap rap sap sap sap
  9. tap tap tap yap yap yap zap zap zap
  10. clap clap clap chap chap chap crap crap crap flap flap flap slap slap slap
  11. snap snap snap swap swap swap trap trap trap wrap wrap wrap strap strap strap
  12. cab cab cab dab dab dab gab gab gab jab jab jab lab lab lab
  13. nab nab nab tab tab tab
  14. blab blab blab crab crab crab drab drab drab flab flab flab grab grab grab
  15. scab scab scab slab slab slab stab stab stab
  16. bag bag bag gag gag gag hag hag hag lag lag lag nag nag nag
  17. rag rag rag sag sag sag tag tag tag wag wag wag
  18. brag brag brag crag crag crag drag drag drag flag flag flag frag frag frag
  19. shag shag shag slag slag slag snag snag snag spag spag spag stag stag stag swag swag swag
  20. bad bad bad cad cad cad dad dad dad fad fad fad gad gad gad
  21. lad lad lad mad mad mad pad pad pad rad rad rad sad sad sad
  22. tad tad tad wad wad wad
  23. bar bar bar car car car far far far jar jar jar mar mar mar
  24. par par par tar tar tar var var var war war war yar yar yar
  25. brass brass brass class class class glass glass glass grass grass grass lass lass lass
  26. bass bass bass mass mass mass pass pass pass
  27. char char char scar scar scar spar spar spar star star star
  28. cart cart cart dart dart dart fart fart fart mart mart mart part part part
  29. tart tart tart wart wart wart chart chart chart smart smart smart start start start
  30. bot bot bot cot cot cot dot dot dot got got got hot hot hot
  31. jot jot jot lot lot lot not not not pot pot pot rot rot rot
  32. blot blot blot clot clot clot shot shot shot slot slot slot snot snot snot
  33. spot spot spot swot swot swot trot trot trot
  34. fort fort fort port port port sort sort sort short short short
  35. bop bop bop cop cop cop fop fop fop hop hop hop lop lop lop
  36. mop mop mop pop pop pop sop sop sop top top top
  37. chop chop chop crop crop crop drop drop drop flop flop flop prop prop prop
  38. shop shop shop slop slop slop stop stop stop
  39. bob bob bob cob cob cob fob fob fob gob gob gob job job job
  40. lob lob lob mob mob mob rob rob rob sob sob sob job job job
  41. blob blob blob glob glob glob slob slob slob snob snob snob
  42. bog bog bog cog cog cog dog dog dog fog fog fog hog hog hog
  43. jog jog jog log log log
  44. blog blog blog clog clog clog frog frog frog smog smog smog slog slog slog
  45. snog snog snog
  46. bore bore bore core core core for for for dor dor dor gore gore gore hor hor hor
  47. more more more nor nor nor pour pour pour sore sore sore tour tour tour wore wore wore
  48. cod cod cod god god god mod mod mod nod nod nod pod pod pod
  49. rod rod rod sod sod sod
  50. clod clod clod plod plod plod prod prod prod shod shod shod trod trod trod
  51. boll boll boll doll doll doll poll poll poll roll roll roll toll toll toll
  52. droll droll droll troll troll troll
  53. bold bold bold cold cold cold fold fold fold hold hold hold mold mold mold
  54. sold sold sold told told told
  55. cross cross cross dross dross dross floss floss floss gloss gloss gloss loss loss loss
  56. boss boss boss moss moss moss toss toss toss
  57. but but but cut cut cut gut gut gut hut hut hut mutt mutt mutt
  58. nut nut nut out out out put put put rut rut rut
  59. cup cup cup hup hup hup pup pup pup sup sup sup tup tup tup
  60. bud bud bud cud cud cud dud dud dud mud mud mud
  61. crud crud crud scud scud scud spud spud spud stud stud stud thud thud thud
  62. cub cub cub dub dub dub hub hub hub nub nub nub pub pub pub
  63. rub rub rub sub sub sub tub tub tub
  64. blub blub blub chub chub chub club club club flub flub flub grub grub grub
  65. snub snub snub stub stub stub
  66. bug bug bug dug dug dug hug hug hug jug jug jug lug lug lug
  67. mug mug mug pug pug pug rug rug rug tug tug tug
  68. chug chug chug drug drug drug glug glug glug plug plug plug slug slug slug
  69. smug smug smug snug snug snug thug thug thug
  70. burr burr burr cur cur cur dur dur dur fur fur fur hur hur hur
  71. cull cull cull dull dull dull gull gull gull hull hull hull lull lull lull skull skull skull
  72. bluff bluff bluff cuff cuff cuff puff puff puff muff muff muff stuff stuff stuff
  73. bull bull bull full full full pull pull pull
  74. cuss cuss cuss fuss fuss fuss muss muss muss wuss wuss wuss truss truss truss
  75. curl curl curl furl furl furl hurl hurl hurl purl purl purl
  76. curt curt curt hurt hurt hurt curd curd curd
  77. bet bet bet get get get jet jet jet let let let met met met
  78. net net net pet pet pet set set set vet vet vet wet wet wet
  79. yet yet yet
  80. beg beg beg leg leg leg peg peg peg dreg dreg dreg
  81. bed bed bed fed fed fed led led led red red red wed wed wed
  82. bled bled bled bred bred bred fled fled fled pled pled pled shed shed shed
  83. sled sled sled sped sped sped
  84. bell bell bell cell cell cell fell fell fell hell hell hell sell sell sell
  85. tell tell tell well well well yell yell yell
  86. dwell dwell dwell shell shell shell smell smell smell spell spell spell swell swell swell
  87. fess fess fess less less less mess mess mess
  88. bless bless bless chess chess chess dress dress dress press press press tress tress tress
  89. ber ber ber her her her ker ker ker mer mer mer per per per
  90. ter ter ter ver ver ver we we we are are are
  91. bit bit bit fit fit fit git git git hit hit hit it it it
  92. kit kit kit lit lit lit nit nit nit pit pit pit sit sit sit
  93. tit tit tit wit wit wit zit zit zit
  94. chit chit chit flit flit flit grit grit grit skit skit skit spit spit spit
  95. shit shit shit slit slit slit snit snit snit twit twit twit writ writ writ
  96. dip dip dip hip hip hip kip kip kip lip lip lip nip nip nip
  97. pip pip pip rip rip rip tip tip tip
  98. blip blip blip chip chip chip clip clip clip drip drip drip flip flip flip
  99. grip grip grip ship ship ship skip skip skip slip slip slip snip snip snip
  100. trip trip trip whip whip whip scrip scrip scrip strip strip strip
  101. bird bird bird third third third
  102. bib bib bib dib dib dib fib fib fib jib jib jib lib lib lib
  103. nib nib nib rib rib rib sib sib sib
  104. crib crib crib glib glib glib
  105. big big big dig dig dig gig gig gig jig jig jig pig pig pig
  106. rig rig rig wig wig wig
  107. brig brig brig prig prig prig swig swig swig trig trig trig whig whig whig
  108. bid bid bid did did did hid hid hid kid kid kid lid lid lid
  109. mid mid mid rid rid rid
  110. bill bill bill dill dill dill fill fill fill gill gill gill hill hill hill kill kill kill
  111. mill mill mill pill pill pill sill sill sill till till till will will will
  112. ill ill ill chill chill chill drill drill drill frill frill frill grill grill grill
  113. skill skill skill spill spill spill still still still
  114. diss diss diss hiss hiss hiss kiss kiss kiss miss miss miss piss piss piss
  115. dirt dirt dirt flirt flirt flirt shirt shirt shirt
  116. advertise advertise advertise balance balance balance center center center certificate certificate certificate circle circle circle
  117. comfort comfort comfort company company company confer confer confer confidence confidence confidence confident confident confident
  118. degree degree degree depend depend depend district district district doctor doctor doctor economy economy economy
  119. figure figure figure finance finance finance idea idea idea interest interest interest magazine magazine magazine
  120. mister mister mister multiple multiple multiple no big deal no big deal no big deal order order order organize organize organize
  121. PhD PhD PhD president president president progress progress progress purchaser purchaser purchaser ready ready ready
  122. really really really recognize recognize recognize regular regular regular schedule schedule schedule significant significant significant
  123. sudden sudden sudden tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon transport transport transport transfer transfer transfer unless unless unless
  124. until until until

4.5.2 Write with sound

  1. A lap. A lap. A lap.
  2. A map. A map. A map.
  3. A rap. A rap. A rap.
  4. A mad cat. A mad cat. A mad cat.
  5. A bad act. A bad act. A bad act.
  6. A tan vat. A tan vat. A tan vat.
  7. A hip. A hip. A hip.
  8. A kit. A kit. A kit.
  9. A lip. A lip. A lip.
  10. A rib. A rib. A rib.
  11. A cob. A cob. A cob.
  12. A dot. A dot. A dot.
  13. A fog. A fog. A fog.
  14. A rod. A rod. A rod.
  15. A sob. A sob. A sob.
  16. An odd job. An odd job. An odd job.
  17. I had a rag bag. I had a rag bag. I had a rag bag.
  18. A cat has a bat. A cat has a bat. A cat has a bat.
  19. An egg. An egg. An egg.
  20. A leg. A leg. A leg.
  21. Did his hat fit? Did his hat fit? Did his hat fit?
  22. A red kid. A red kid. A red kid.
  23. Hot sap. Hot sap. Hot sap.
  24. I hop. I hop. I hop.
  25. I nod. I nod. I nod.
  26. A cup. A cup. A cup.
  27. A tub. A tub. A tub.
  28. A bug in a rug. A bug in a rug. A bug in a rug.
  29. Pat a cat. Pat a cat. Pat a cat.
  30. I sat. I sat. I sat.
  31. I had a hat and a cap. I had a hat and a cap. I had a hat and a cap.
  32. He is. He is. He is.
  33. I go. I go. I go.
  34. We go. We go. We go.
  35. I go up. I go up. I go up.
  36. Is it so? Is it so? Is it so?
  37. It is so. It is so. It is so.
  38. So it is. So it is. So it is.
  39. You do go. You do go. You do go.
  40. If I do go. If I do go. If I do go.
  41. So do you. So do you. So do you.
  42. Is he up? Is he up? Is he up?
  43. He is up. He is up. He is up.
  44. I do. I do. I do.
  45. We do. We do. We do.
  46. I do so. I do so. I do so.
  47. So do I. So do I. So do I.
  48. You do so. You do so. You do so.
  49. So do we. So do we. So do we.
  50. He is to go. He is to go. He is to go.
  51. Do as I do. Do as I do. Do as I do.
  52. Do as we do. Do as we do. Do as we do.
  53. Do so to me. Do so to me. Do so to me.
  54. If you do so. If you do so. If you do so.
  55. Is he to be up? Is he to be up? Is he to be up?
  56. He is to be up. He is to be up. He is to be up.
  57. Do so to me. Do so to me. Do so to me.
  58. Do go. Do go. Do go.
  59. Go up. Go up. Go up.
  60. Go by me. Go by me. Go by me.
  61. We go by. We go by. We go by.
  62. It is so. It is so. It is so.
  63. He is by me. He is by me. He is by me.
  64. I go by. I go by. I go by.
  65. You go by me. You go by me. You go by me.
  66. Be you so. Be you so. Be you so.
  67. No, you go. No, you go. No, you go.
  68. If it be he, go in. If it be he, go in. If it be he, go in.
  69. I go to ma. I go to ma. I go to ma.
  70. So do I go. So do I go. So do I go.
  71. It is to be so. It is to be so. It is to be so.
  72. He is up to us. He is up to us. He is up to us.
  73. I go up by it. I go up by it. I go up by it.
  74. Do we go at it? Do we go at it? Do we go at it?
  75. We do go at it. We do go at it. We do go at it.
  76. Am I to go by? Am I to go by? Am I to go by?
  77. Why do you so? Why do you so? Why do you so?
  78. Do you as I do. Do you as I do. Do you as I do.
  79. Is he to do it? Is he to do it? Is he to do it?
  80. He is to go in. He is to go in. He is to go in.
  81. The cat bit the rat. The cat bit the rat. The cat bit the rat.
  82. The dog did beg. The dog did beg. The dog did beg.
  83. A cat is on the bed. A cat is on the bed. A cat is on the bed.
  84. The kit is by the cat. The kit is by the cat. The kit is by the cat.
  85. The dog bit the pig. The dog bit the pig. The dog bit the pig.
  86. The cat is on the mat. The cat is on the mat. The cat is on the mat.
  87. Ask me to go in. Ask me to go in. Ask me to go in.
  88. She has a map. She has a map. She has a map.
  89. Do I go to bed? Do I go to bed? Do I go to bed?
  90. The dog bit me. The dog bit me. The dog bit me.
  91. He is not mad. He is not mad. He is not mad.
  92. She is to be fed. She is to be fed. She is to be fed.
  93. It has a lid on it. It has a lid on it. It has a lid on it.
  94. My hat is wet. My hat is wet. My hat is wet.
  95. Bid him go out. Bid him go out. Bid him go out.
  96. Did you put her up? Did you put her up? Did you put her up?
  97. No, I did not. No, I did not. No, I did not.
  98. I saw her get up. I saw her get up. I saw her get up.
  99. The bed is not for a cat. The bed is not for a cat. The bed is not for a cat.
  100. But you are hid. But you are hid. But you are hid.
  101. How did he get it? How did he get it? How did he get it?
  102. The cat was so far up, the dog did not get her. The cat was so far up, the dog did not get her. The cat was so far up, the dog did not get her.
  103. I led a pet cat. I led a pet cat. I led a pet cat.
  104. Let a man beg a bed. Let a man beg a bed. Let a man beg a bed.
  105. A bat, a rat, and a cat. A bat, a rat, and a cat. A bat, a rat, and a cat.
  106. He is a big pig. He is a big pig. He is a big pig.
  107. I hid the nut in the cup. I hid the nut in the cup. I hid the nut in the cup.
  108. Is the big nut in the cup? Is the big nut in the cup? Is the big nut in the cup?
  109. It is not in the cup. It is not in the cup. It is not in the cup.
  110. The doll has a red dress. The doll has a red dress. The doll has a red dress.
  111. The big frog is on a log. The big frog is on a log. The big frog is on a log.
  112. I had a hat and a cap. I had a hat and a cap. I had a hat and a cap.
  113. A mad dog ran at a lad. A mad dog ran at a lad. A mad dog ran at a lad.
  114. I let her pat the pet cat. I let her pat the pet cat. I let her pat the pet cat.
  115. We hid his big wig. We hid his big wig. We hid his big wig.
  116. I beg you not to get wet. I beg you not to get wet. I beg you not to get wet.
  117. I tap the wag with a rod. I tap the wag with a rod. I tap the wag with a rod.
  118. A rat is in the trap. A rat is in the trap. A rat is in the trap.
  119. The cab was drab. The cab was drab. The cab was drab.
  120. The scab is hard. The scab is hard. The scab is hard.
  121. A rat sat on the mat. A rat sat on the mat. A rat sat on the mat.
  122. She is glad to gad about. She is glad to gad about. She is glad to gad about.
  123. Are the mats there? Are the mats there? Are the mats there?
  124. My Pa is in. My Pa is in. My Pa is in.
  125. Do no ill. Do no ill. Do no ill.
  126. She is yet in bed. She is yet in bed. She is yet in bed.
  127. She has had her nap. She has had her nap. She has had her nap.
  128. Now let her get up. Now let her get up. Now let her get up.
  129. How old are you? How old are you? How old are you?
  130. Is Jane as old as you? Is Jane as old as you? Is Jane as old as you?
  131. No, she is not. No, she is not. No, she is not.
  132. How old is Jane? How old is Jane? How old is Jane?
  133. She is two. She is two. She is two.
  134. Get up, dog; go out. Get up, dog; go out. Get up, dog; go out.
  135. How old is he? How old is he? How old is he?
  136. My map is wet. My map is wet. My map is wet.
  137. Did John wet it? Did John wet it? Did John wet it?
  138. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go.
  139. You are a bad dog. You are a bad dog. You are a bad dog.
  140. Yes, you are a bad dog to do so. Yes, you are a bad dog to do so. Yes, you are a bad dog to do so.
  141. Did I not pat you? Did I not pat you? Did I not pat you?
  142. Were you not fed by me? Were you not fed by me? Were you not fed by me?
  143. What is this? What is this? What is this?
  144. Is it a bird? Is it a bird? Is it a bird?
  145. He is in. He is in. He is in.
  146. We go in. We go in. We go in.
  147. Is he in? Is he in? Is he in?
  148. He is in. He is in. He is in.
  149. Is he to go in? Is he to go in? Is he to go in?
  150. No, he is to go on. No, he is to go on. No, he is to go on.
  151. Do we go in? Do we go in? Do we go in?
  152. We do go in. We do go in. We do go in.
  153. Go in Go in Go in
  154. I go in. I go in. I go in.
  155. No, you go in. No, you go in. No, you go in.
  156. Get the keg and a net. Get the keg and a net. Get the keg and a net.
  157. Is it his big pig? Yes. Is it his big pig? Yes. Is it his big pig? Yes.
  158. Did the kid tag Ned? Did the kid tag Ned? Did the kid tag Ned?
  159. The fat hog is in the lot. The fat hog is in the lot. The fat hog is in the lot.
  160. The kit ran a rod. The kit ran a rod. The kit ran a rod.
  161. Ned bit his lip. Ned bit his lip. Ned bit his lip.
  162. Is the dog mad? Is the dog mad? Is the dog mad?
  163. Ned led his nag to the lot. Ned led his nag to the lot. Ned led his nag to the lot.
  164. Is it hot? Is it hot? Is it hot?
  165. Did it pop? Did it pop? Did it pop?
  166. A bud in a mug. A bud in a mug. A bud in a mug.
  167. A nut in a cup. A nut in a cup. A nut in a cup.
  168. Rip the red rug. Rip the red rug. Rip the red rug.
  169. A rag is on the mop. A rag is on the mop. A rag is on the mop.
  170. Fill the bag at the mill, and get the bill. Fill the bag at the mill, and get the bill. Fill the bag at the mill, and get the bill.
  171. A wren has been in my tent on the hill. A wren has been in my tent on the hill. A wren has been in my tent on the hill.
  172. A bent twig. A bent twig. A bent twig.
  173. He sings bass. He sings bass. He sings bass.
  174. It is a nice doll. It is a nice doll. It is a nice doll.
  175. The cat is gray. The cat is gray. The cat is gray.
  176. She is very fat. She is very fat. She is very fat.
  177. She curls up on the rug. She curls up on the rug. She curls up on the rug.
  178. Cats like to get rats. Cats like to get rats. Cats like to get rats.
  179. If you rub it, it will be sore. If you rub it, it will be sore. If you rub it, it will be sore.
  180. I will try to do so no more. I will try to do so no more. I will try to do so no more.
  181. Do not step on the web if you can help it. Do not step on the web if you can help it. Do not step on the web if you can help it.
  182. Stop, my doll is as wet as a sop. Stop, my doll is as wet as a sop. Stop, my doll is as wet as a sop.
  183. The sick man got help from his club. The sick man got help from his club. The sick man got help from his club.
  184. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat.
  185. This is a long shed. This is a long shed. This is a long shed.
  186. A pig had his wig. A pig had his wig. A pig had his wig.
  187. I sip sap. I sip sap. I sip sap.
  188. He has wit. He has wit. He has wit.
  189. Did a pad pop? Did a pad pop? Did a pad pop?
  190. The pig dug up a nut. The pig dug up a nut. The pig dug up a nut.
  191. Let us get up. Let us get up. Let us get up.
  192. I lug a big jug. I lug a big jug. I lug a big jug.
  193. I sup in a hut. I sup in a hut. I sup in a hut.
  194. It is not far off. It is not far off. It is not far off.
  195. A jar of lard. A jar of lard. A jar of lard.
  196. Get my card. Get my card. Get my card.
  197. My part is a half. My part is a half. My part is a half.
  198. The raft is for us. The raft is for us. The raft is for us.
  199. He fled. He fled. He fled.
  200. I wept. I wept. I wept.
  201. She felt well. She felt well. She felt well.
  202. Melt the fat. Melt the fat. Melt the fat.
  203. Lend less. Lend less. Lend less.
  204. Whip my tap. Whip my tap. Whip my tap.
  205. A clot of mud. A clot of mud. A clot of mud.
  206. Did he trot? Did he trot? Did he trot?
  207. A buff cuff. A buff cuff. A buff cuff.
  208. Let me be. Let me be. Let me be.
  209. Who put tar on the cat? Who put tar on the cat? Who put tar on the cat?
  210. It was dark in the park. It was dark in the park. It was dark in the park.
  211. We learn to add. We learn to add. We learn to add.
  212. Lard is in tubs. Lard is in tubs. Lard is in tubs.
  213. Bid him sit on my lap. Bid him sit on my lap. Bid him sit on my lap.
  214. Well, I will. Well, I will. Well, I will.
  215. Being, from be. Being, from be. Being, from be.
  216. Begin, start. Begin, start. Begin, start.
  217. Easy, not hard to do. Easy, not hard to do. Easy, not hard to do.
  218. Dug, from dig. Dug, from dig. Dug, from dig.
  219. The little girl's dress was red. The little girl's dress was red. The little girl's dress was red.
  220. I have a pocket in my dress. I have a pocket in my dress. I have a pocket in my dress.
  221. Do not whip the horse. Do not whip the horse. Do not whip the horse.
  222. Stop at a shop. Stop at a shop. Stop at a shop.
  223. Do not guess, when you spell. Do not guess, when you spell. Do not guess, when you spell.
  224. I have that idea in mind. I have that idea in mind. I have that idea in mind.
  225. Mother will press my dress. Mother will press my dress. Mother will press my dress.
  226. The king wept. The king wept. The king wept.
  227. Wrap up well. Wrap up well. Wrap up well.
  228. The verse is terse. The verse is terse. The verse is terse.
  229. Stop the nag, if he trot. Stop the nag, if he trot. Stop the nag, if he trot.
  230. He wept for the dead. He wept for the dead. He wept for the dead.
  231. The lard is hard. The lard is hard. The lard is hard.
  232. He is of us. He is of us. He is of us.
  233. The dog fled. The dog fled. The dog fled.
  234. When you send the sled, I can mend it. When you send the sled, I can mend it. When you send the sled, I can mend it.
  235. He is by it. He is by it. He is by it.
  236. I go so. I go so. I go so.
  237. So I do. So I do. So I do.
  238. Do you go as we do? Do you go as we do? Do you go as we do?

4.5.3 Write random sentences

A random subset of sentences will be synthesized. Be patient with the synthesis. It will take a few seconds, especially the first time. The loweest possible WPM is 80, so to decrease overall WPM, increase word gap.

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