23 The -rv and -nge consonant clusters

23.1 Learning Objectives

  • Learn to write words with -rv consonant clusters
  • Learn to write words with -nge consonant clusters
  • Learn to write common interjections, onomatopeia and animal sounds

23.2 The -rv consonant

The -rv consonant cluster in words such as carve and swerve uses -FRB.


carve carve carve carve


swerve swerve swerve swerve

23.3 The -nge consonant cluster

The -nge consonant cluster in words such as change, lunge, and cringe uses -PBG.


change change change change


lunge lunge lunge lunge


cringe cringe cringe cringe

23.4 Interjections, onomatopeia and animal sounds

The words below are likely more common with writing dialogue or speech than formal text.

Sound Stroke Note
aw A*U
bah PWA*
boo PWAO
caw KA*U
chirp KHEURP
choo-choo KHAO/KHAO
croak KROEBG
duh TK*U
eh A*EU
ew AOU
ha HAE
hey HAEU
hiss HEUSZ
hmm H-PL
ho HO*
hrm H-RPL
knock-knock TPHOBG/TPHOBG
Mm-hm -PL/H-PL
oink O*EUPBG
okay OBG
ooh AO*
oops AOPS
ouch OUFP
ow O*U
plop PHROP
poof PAOF
pop POP
purr P*UR
quack KWABG
shh SH
slosh SHRORB
splash SPHRARB
splat SPHRAT
squish SKWEURB
tick TEUBG
tock TOBG
tsk T-FBG
tweet TWAOET
uh-huh *U/H*U
uh-oh *U/O*E
whoa WHOE
whir WHEUR
woof WAOF
yeah KWR*E

23.5 Exercises

23.5.1 Write with sound

  1. Carve, cut. Carve, cut. Carve, cut.
  2. Daddy likes to carve the turkey. Daddy likes to carve the turkey. Daddy likes to carve the turkey.
  3. Candy is made of sugar. Candy is made of sugar. Candy is made of sugar.
  4. Ann saw the owl. Ann saw the owl. Ann saw the owl.
  5. Ann is not up. Ann is not up. Ann is not up.
  6. Helping, being of use; giving help. A serving of food. Helping, being of use; giving help. A serving of food. Helping, being of use; giving help. A serving of food.
  7. Hook, something bent if a curve for catching fish, fastening things, or holding things. To catch as with a hook. To fasten with hooks. Hook, something bent if a curve for catching fish, fastening things, or holding things. To catch as with a hook. To fasten with hooks. Hook, something bent if a curve for catching fish, fastening things, or holding things. To catch as with a hook. To fasten with hooks.
  8. Pine, a kind of evergreen tree. The wood of this tree. Pine, a kind of evergreen tree. The wood of this tree. Pine, a kind of evergreen tree. The wood of this tree.
  9. You have made a good plan for your party. You have made a good plan for your party. You have made a good plan for your party.
  10. The plan shows that the house will have large rooms. The plan shows that the house will have large rooms. The plan shows that the house will have large rooms.
  11. He hurried to pocket the knife before the baby could reach it. He hurried to pocket the knife before the baby could reach it. He hurried to pocket the knife before the baby could reach it.
  12. Tomorrow, on the day after today. The day after today. Tomorrow, on the day after today. The day after today. Tomorrow, on the day after today. The day after today.
  13. We will do it tomorrow. We will do it tomorrow. We will do it tomorrow.
  14. Tomorrow will be a holiday. Tomorrow will be a holiday. Tomorrow will be a holiday.
  15. The baby lies in her cradle. The baby lies in her cradle. The baby lies in her cradle.
  16. Trick, an amusing act. A joking or a silly act. To play a trick on someone. Trick, an amusing act. A joking or a silly act. To play a trick on someone. Trick, an amusing act. A joking or a silly act. To play a trick on someone.
  17. She often shakes her rattle. She often shakes her rattle. She often shakes her rattle.
  18. What a strange change for the poor bird! What a strange change for the poor bird! What a strange change for the poor bird!
  19. Goose, a swimming and flying bird larger than a duck. A silly person. Goose, a swimming and flying bird larger than a duck. A silly person. Goose, a swimming and flying bird larger than a duck. A silly person.
  20. A strange bird caught her eye. A strange bird caught her eye. A strange bird caught her eye.
  21. Here is your change, sir. Here is your change, sir. Here is your change, sir.
  22. Father held out a handful of change. Father held out a handful of change. Father held out a handful of change.
  23. The dog has eyes that do not change. The dog has eyes that do not change. The dog has eyes that do not change.
  24. The baby tore my old one. The baby tore my old one. The baby tore my old one.
  25. Built, put together. Built, put together. Built, put together.
  26. One good turn deserves another. One good turn deserves another. One good turn deserves another.
  27. Be sure you're right, then go ahead. Be sure you're right, then go ahead. Be sure you're right, then go ahead.
  28. Then they go out for a recess. Then they go out for a recess. Then they go out for a recess.
  29. Prize, a reward for good work. Prize, a reward for good work. Prize, a reward for good work.
  30. Neat, clean and tidy. Neat, clean and tidy. Neat, clean and tidy.
  31. The flax has blue flowers. The flax has blue flowers. The flax has blue flowers.
  32. The flax plant has blue flowers. The flax plant has blue flowers. The flax plant has blue flowers.
  33. Cottage, a small house; a house at the camp or summer resort. Cottage, a small house; a house at the camp or summer resort. Cottage, a small house; a house at the camp or summer resort.
  34. Dodge, to move quickly to get away from a person, a blow, or something thrown. Dodge, to move quickly to get away from a person, a blow, or something thrown. Dodge, to move quickly to get away from a person, a blow, or something thrown.
  35. Miss Brooks is in charge of our room. Miss Brooks is in charge of our room. Miss Brooks is in charge of our room.
  36. Charge, the care of. Charge, the care of. Charge, the care of.
  37. My father owns a large business. My father owns a large business. My father owns a large business.
  38. My present idea is to arrange the things this way. My present idea is to arrange the things this way. My present idea is to arrange the things this way.
  39. My hen laid a large egg yesterday. My hen laid a large egg yesterday. My hen laid a large egg yesterday.
  40. Strange, not known before, unusual. Strange, not known before, unusual. Strange, not known before, unusual.
  41. You will spoil your shoes if you don't wear rubbers on a rainy day. You will spoil your shoes if you don't wear rubbers on a rainy day. You will spoil your shoes if you don't wear rubbers on a rainy day.
  42. See the quail shake the blade of grain. See the quail shake the blade of grain. See the quail shake the blade of grain.
  43. Change the shape of q, on the slate. Change the shape of q, on the slate. Change the shape of q, on the slate.
  44. Clean the blood off the thumb of the glove with a sponge. Clean the blood off the thumb of the glove with a sponge. Clean the blood off the thumb of the glove with a sponge.
  45. None can starve on the march. None can starve on the march. None can starve on the march.
  46. Build a brick bridge. Build a brick bridge. Build a brick bridge.
  47. Feast, a special meal for a large number of people. To eat many good things. Feast, a special meal for a large number of people. To eat many good things. Feast, a special meal for a large number of people. To eat many good things.
  48. They stain, or paint, the barn in a strange way. They stain, or paint, the barn in a strange way. They stain, or paint, the barn in a strange way.
  49. He will copy the figures neatly. He will copy the figures neatly. He will copy the figures neatly.
  50. We hope that trees will produce large pears. We hope that trees will produce large pears. We hope that trees will produce large pears.
  51. Cash, money. To change into money. Cash, money. To change into money. Cash, money. To change into money.
  52. Circle, something flat and round; as, the traffic circle. A ring. A figure bounded by a curved line. Circle, something flat and round; as, the traffic circle. A ring. A figure bounded by a curved line. Circle, something flat and round; as, the traffic circle. A ring. A figure bounded by a curved line.
  53. Mother went to the bank to cash a cheque. Mother went to the bank to cash a cheque. Mother went to the bank to cash a cheque.
  54. Will you show me how to do it? Will you show me how to do it? Will you show me how to do it?
  55. The rain will making the plants grow. The rain will making the plants grow. The rain will making the plants grow.
  56. Children must be polite. Children must be polite. Children must be polite.
  57. They were throwing stones. They were throwing stones. They were throwing stones.
  58. She told them they must not hit the dog. She told them they must not hit the dog. She told them they must not hit the dog.
  59. The one that has no home. The one that has no home. The one that has no home.
  60. I would fix it if I could. I would fix it if I could. I would fix it if I could.
  61. I should like to see the moon. I should like to see the moon. I should like to see the moon.
  62. Do you think it will soon be up? Do you think it will soon be up? Do you think it will soon be up?
  63. We had a goose for dinner. We had a goose for dinner. We had a goose for dinner.
  64. It was done very brown. It was done very brown. It was done very brown.
  65. Can you spell every word in this lesson? Can you spell every word in this lesson? Can you spell every word in this lesson?
  66. Our work will seem easy if we love it. Our work will seem easy if we love it. Our work will seem easy if we love it.
  67. The sick girl is worse today. The sick girl is worse today. The sick girl is worse today.
  68. The fire is burning low. The fire is burning low. The fire is burning low.
  69. They would be polite to her. They would be polite to her. They would be polite to her.
  70. Speak kind words when you can. Speak kind words when you can. Speak kind words when you can.
  71. Did you like the story I told you? Did you like the story I told you? Did you like the story I told you?
  72. We cannot go to school when we are sick. We cannot go to school when we are sick. We cannot go to school when we are sick.
  73. The bird flies into the tree when I come near. The bird flies into the tree when I come near. The bird flies into the tree when I come near.
  74. It made a big noise. It made a big noise. It made a big noise.
  75. Wash the babe. Wash the babe. Wash the babe.
  76. He will soon lose his way. He will soon lose his way. He will soon lose his way.
  77. I am sure the rule is true. I am sure the rule is true. I am sure the rule is true.
  78. View the blue sea. View the blue sea. View the blue sea.
  79. The news made his muse. The news made his muse. The news made his muse.
  80. Stew the meat and chew it well. Stew the meat and chew it well. Stew the meat and chew it well.
  81. So she ate it all. So she ate it all. So she ate it all.
  82. Coast, the seashore or the land near it. To slide down. Coast, the seashore or the land near it. To slide down. Coast, the seashore or the land near it. To slide down.
  83. She went to school with Emma. She went to school with Emma. She went to school with Emma.
  84. Were we to try, we could not make its cells of wax. Were we to try, we could not make its cells of wax. Were we to try, we could not make its cells of wax.
  85. Downstairs, on or to the lower floor. Downstairs, on or to the lower floor. Downstairs, on or to the lower floor.
  86. No, we cannot. No, we cannot. No, we cannot.
  87. Ah, poor bee! Ah, poor bee! Ah, poor bee!
  88. He took us downstairs. He took us downstairs. He took us downstairs.
  89. I am going downtown to do some shopping. I am going downtown to do some shopping. I am going downtown to do some shopping.
  90. The children like to coast down the hill. The children like to coast down the hill. The children like to coast down the hill.
  91. They all worked together to pack for the trip. They all worked together to pack for the trip. They all worked together to pack for the trip.
  92. As caretaker, it is my father's duty to see that lights are out. As caretaker, it is my father's duty to see that lights are out. As caretaker, it is my father's duty to see that lights are out.
  93. Meet, to come up to. To come together. A meeting; as, a track meet. Meet, to come up to. To come together. A meeting; as, a track meet. Meet, to come up to. To come together. A meeting; as, a track meet.
  94. The seeds will be planted. The seeds will be planted. The seeds will be planted.
  95. Meeting, a coming together; as, a club meeting. coming up to; as, meeting a person on the street. Meeting, a coming together; as, a club meeting. coming up to; as, meeting a person on the street. Meeting, a coming together; as, a club meeting. coming up to; as, meeting a person on the street.
  96. He might starve! He might starve! He might starve!
  97. The king loved his daughter dearly. The king loved his daughter dearly. The king loved his daughter dearly.
  98. I saw a thrush on the trunk of a tree. I saw a thrush on the trunk of a tree. I saw a thrush on the trunk of a tree.
  99. There was blood on the front door. There was blood on the front door. There was blood on the front door.
  100. Touch the salt with your tongue. Touch the salt with your tongue. Touch the salt with your tongue.
  101. Was there a flood last month? Was there a flood last month? Was there a flood last month?
  102. There is a clump or bunch of trees on the bluff, or steep bank. There is a clump or bunch of trees on the bluff, or steep bank. There is a clump or bunch of trees on the bluff, or steep bank.
  103. He clung to the crutch when he was drunk. He clung to the crutch when he was drunk. He clung to the crutch when he was drunk.
  104. Did the frost make you cough? Did the frost make you cough? Did the frost make you cough?
  105. Knock at the door of the lodge, or hut. Knock at the door of the lodge, or hut. Knock at the door of the lodge, or hut.
  106. Is it wrong to notch the block? Is it wrong to notch the block? Is it wrong to notch the block?
  107. When the sun shone, she put a cloth on the bronze clock. When the sun shone, she put a cloth on the bronze clock. When the sun shone, she put a cloth on the bronze clock.
  108. Did he forge your name on the scroll? Did he forge your name on the scroll? Did he forge your name on the scroll?
  109. The boat is on a shoal, or sand bank, near the coast, or shore. The boat is on a shoal, or sand bank, near the coast, or shore. The boat is on a shoal, or sand bank, near the coast, or shore.
  110. Did you note the growth of the gourd in that rich mold? Did you note the growth of the gourd in that rich mold? Did you note the growth of the gourd in that rich mold?
  111. If you reach the sheath, sheathe the dirk. If you reach the sheath, sheathe the dirk. If you reach the sheath, sheathe the dirk.
  112. If she buy some clean yeast and a cheap peach, do not cheat her. If she buy some clean yeast and a cheap peach, do not cheat her. If she buy some clean yeast and a cheap peach, do not cheat her.
  113. My niece will not shriek if her nose bleed. My niece will not shriek if her nose bleed. My niece will not shriek if her nose bleed.
  114. The fierce chief rode a fleet or fast steed. The fierce chief rode a fleet or fast steed. The fierce chief rode a fleet or fast steed.
  115. Will snow and salt blend? Will snow and salt blend? Will snow and salt blend?
  116. He crept the length of the hedge. He crept the length of the hedge. He crept the length of the hedge.
  117. Quench the fire. Quench the fire. Quench the fire.
  118. My friend leaped the breadth of the room. My friend leaped the breadth of the room. My friend leaped the breadth of the room.
  119. They meant to get his wealth by stealth. They meant to get his wealth by stealth. They meant to get his wealth by stealth.
  120. The stern clerk, if he serve you, will not swerve for the true way for he has nerve. The stern clerk, if he serve you, will not swerve for the true way for he has nerve. The stern clerk, if he serve you, will not swerve for the true way for he has nerve.
  121. Scald the milk, and then let all quaff it. Scald the milk, and then let all quaff it. Scald the milk, and then let all quaff it.
  122. These lads may play on the glebe, or tougher. These lads may play on the glebe, or tougher. These lads may play on the glebe, or tougher.
  123. That scheme, or plan, is good for men in our sphere, or rank in life. That scheme, or plan, is good for men in our sphere, or rank in life. That scheme, or plan, is good for men in our sphere, or rank in life.
  124. He ate a bit of lamb, a clam, and a crab. He ate a bit of lamb, a clam, and a crab. He ate a bit of lamb, a clam, and a crab.
  125. The gang sang in the camp. The gang sang in the camp. The gang sang in the camp.
  126. That lank chap, or boy, swam on a slab. That lank chap, or boy, swam on a slab. That lank chap, or boy, swam on a slab.
  127. Vamp or mend my shoe. Vamp or mend my shoe. Vamp or mend my shoe.
  128. The air is dank, or damp. The air is dank, or damp. The air is dank, or damp.
  129. Page and his mate may run a race. Page and his mate may run a race. Page and his mate may run a race.
  130. The gray rat is in a cage. The gray rat is in a cage. The gray rat is in a cage.
  131. He did not rail at the man, in his rage. He did not rail at the man, in his rage. He did not rail at the man, in his rage.
  132. Sip sage tea. Sip sage tea. Sip sage tea.
  133. Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!
  134. Oh, no! Is it an ox? Oh, no! Is it an ox? Oh, no! Is it an ox?
  135. Aye, we do. Aye, we do. Aye, we do.
  136. Ah, so it is. Ah, so it is. Ah, so it is.
  137. Ho! Be by me! Ho! Be by me! Ho! Be by me!
  138. We must plow the ground before we plant the seed. We must plow the ground before we plant the seed. We must plow the ground before we plant the seed.
  139. The snowplow cleared the streets. The snowplow cleared the streets. The snowplow cleared the streets.
  140. Abundance, great plenty. Abundance, great plenty. Abundance, great plenty.
  141. The spy sent a message in a secret code. The spy sent a message in a secret code. The spy sent a message in a secret code.
  142. A code is a set of rules. A code is a set of rules. A code is a set of rules.
  143. Boss, a person in charge, give orders to. Boss, a person in charge, give orders to. Boss, a person in charge, give orders to.
  144. That custom arose years ago. That custom arose years ago. That custom arose years ago.
  145. There was an abundance of food in the house. There was an abundance of food in the house. There was an abundance of food in the house.

23.5.2 Write random sentences

A random subset of sentences will be synthesized. Be patient with the synthesis. It will take a few seconds, especially the first time. The loweest possible WPM is 80, so to decrease overall WPM, increase word gap.

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